20 Oct 2023 By AWAY IN STYLE
Last night, Donatella Versace and Versace global ambassador Chris Lee hosted the Versace Icons Dinner in Shanghai, a celebration of our collective power and a chance to meet, talk and share.
Versace and Lee invited Icons from a diverse range of professions and expertise, including artists, entrepreneurs, actor to come together at Shanghai’s Jiushi International Art Center for an evening of discussion, inspiration, and celebration of their groundbreaking contributions. Those in attendance included NINGNING of aespa, Ella Wong (Head Of Social Impact Of CAA China), Rebecca Yang (Chairman Of Christie’s China), Miriam Sun (Executive Director Of MoCa Shanghai), ZiPiao Zhang (Artist), Kylie Ying (Art Collector), Trunk Xu (Photographer), etc.
To illustrate what it means to be a modern Icon, the space features the Versace Icon Diaries, a gallery comprised of snapshots and inspiration from the Iconic worlds of individuals. Ahead of the event, guests were asked to document moments from their daily lives using their cellphone—whether at work and altruism, or daily moments usually hidden from view such as commuting through the city, or meeting up with friends. Compiled together into a shared display, the Versace Icons Diary demonstrates that the success of an Icon lies in their ability to transform the everyday into the extraordinary, to use their voices and platforms confidently and for good. They are free to be.
The event follows the Versace Icons Dinner in New York, hosted at the Rockefeller Center on September 27th by Donatella Versace and actor Anne Hathaway, who stars in the Versace Icons campaign with Chris Lee.
Donatella Versace conceived the Versace Icons collection as a perfect everyday wardrobe, an emblem of Versace’s core aesthetic and values—confidence, courage and freedom to express all that you are, even when the world is not ready. The silhouettes are designed to enhance the individual. To empower their innate sense of self. To make them feel iconic. Ready to face the world. The debut collection was released earlier this year along with a campaign starring Chris Lee and Anne Hathaway. The second chapter of the Versace Icons collection was released at the beginning of October, along with new images of Lee and Hathaway.
10 月 18 日晚,Verasce 首席創意總監 Donatella Versace 與品牌全球代言人李宇春在上海 久事國際藝術中心共同舉辦了第二場 Versace Icons 晚宴,與四海賓朋歡聚一堂,共襄盛 會。
當晚,aespa 組合成員寧寧、超模汪曲攸、超模項偞婧、CAA 中國社會影響力總經理黃楨、 佳士得中國區主席楊媛草、上海當代藝術館執行館長孫文倩、藝術家張子飄、藝術收藏家 Kylie Ying、攝影師許闖及各界名流受邀出席,共度美妙之夜。
為了闡述何為當代偶像,會場內特設 Versace Icons Diaries 藝術畫廊,旨在通過豐富的生 活剪影與靈感瞬間展示當代影響力人群的多姿生活。為此,Versace 在晚宴前收集了嘉賓 們用手機記錄的生活瞬間:無論是伏案工作,力行公益,日常通勤或者好友小聚等。林林 總總的生活影像證明他們的成功得益於其化平常為不凡的能力,敢於表達自我的勇氣和善 於借力平臺的智慧,以及不對自己設限的態度。
首場由 Donatella Versace 與 Anne Hathaway 共同主持的紐約洛克菲勒中心晚宴已於 9 月 27 日圓滿落幕。
Donatella Versace 將 Versace Icons 系列構思成一個完美日常衣櫥。它承載了 Versace 的 核心美學與價值理念——即使面臨狂風暴雨,也要自信、勇敢、自由地表達自己。Versace Icons 系列廓形凸顯個性,助力彰顯自我,直面未知世界。此系列於年初首次推出,由李宇 春和 Anne Hathaway 共同演繹的系列影像也於同期發佈。該系列新品也已於 10 月初推出, 李宇春和 Anne Hathaway 再次連袂出鏡的影像續章亦同步發佈。